Back and neck pain

Back pain
Back pain affects the quality of life of a great part of the population. Of sudden or insidious appearance, it can restrain certain daily activities at home, at work or during leisure.
Causes are various and the symptoms felt are multiple: important pain to the back or legs, numbness to the inferior members, weakness of the legs and trunk, loss of sensitivity, etc.

Neck pain
Neck pain is also frequent in the general population. Whether from traumatic, insidious or postural origins, causes can be varied.  Neck pain can lead to, among others, headaches, pain in the arm, numbness, weakness and loss of sensitivity.

The physiotherapy professionals have the knowledge and expertise to evaluate the problem and identify the cause to establish a treatment plan adapted to everyone. According to the problems met, physical therapy can relieve pain, soften muscles and soft tissues, improve muscle control to strengthen the back and increase its stability in order for the person to regain its full function.

Many pathologies or impairments can thus be effectively treated with physical therapy:


  • Cervical sprain
  • Torticolis
  • Tensional headaches
  • Cervico-brachialgy
  • Herniated disc


  • Low back sprains
  • Herniated discs
  • Vertebral or sacro-iliac instability
  • Scoliosis
  • Vertebral fracture
  • Sciatica
  • Facet joint syndrome

At Inspiration, we work to improve your posture with spine elongation and we focus our interventions on the mobility of your spine as well as lombo-pelvic stabilization.

don’t wait. go ahead!

Try our unique methods and find relief.

«Change happens through movement and movement heals.»
– Joseph Pilates

Whoever you are, be Physio!

Yes, physiotherapy can help. It is never too late to start treatments. The physiotherapist can help you improve your mobility, your flexibility, your strength and the stability of your back which helps reduce the pain. In addition, advices and teaching for a better management of your condition will be given to you. Furthermore, the Pilates method is renowned to help with chronic low back pain.

No, one must not completely stop moving. Staying in bed can lead to ankylosis and loss of muscle mass. What is necessary is to pace activities. One must alternate between the active periods with rest and ensure the pain does not increase significantly. In addition, some exercises adapted to the condition can help recover in less time.

It is not necessary to pass an x-ray or another radiological exam before consulting a physical therapist. During the first visit, the professional evaluates the condition to determine the problem’s origin. If he judges that a medical test is recommended, he will then be able to suggest it to your doctor.


If you have accident injuries, the SAAQ may reimburse your physiotherapy treatments.

«Physical fitness is the first
requisite to happiness.»

– Joseph Pilates –